The Air Car Cometh by GARKO

Here is what makes the folks at Water4Gas, we are so hip, myself included We are not contentious with our competitors in the mold of Coke Vs Pepsi, Burger King Vs McDonalds. We have a mission to help change conditions, freeing people from the yolk of foreign oil and the oil industry, improving the environment and assisting people. Sowhen we do see a technology something else moving forward that holds real promise to be effective then we are happy with any success that they have and we are happy to help get the word out about them, too. Water4Gas is a technology that anyone can utilize to modify their automobile engine from gasoline to a hybrid gas and hydrogen system. It has been proven to work and people get lower fuel consumption, less toxic emissions and a smoother running vehicle. I strongly recommend it.

Here is information about a competing technology and it also seems worthwhile to know about…

The main goal of Air Car is to develop and market an automobile driven by a compressed air engine that performs well enough to respond to the actual needs of today’s market. With this in mind we have drawn up a plan of action for production start up. Plusses of compressed air as an alternative energy source An automobile powered by compressed air presents many plusses when compared to the traditional combustion engine or an electric car.

The idea of using compressed air as an energy vector can, for example, also be applied to a hybrid vehicle, with cylinders operating on compressed air and an additional battery running on electricity, winding up with a vehicle propelled by only electrical-pneumatic propulsion.

Possible advantages of cars powered by compressed air: · Significantly less expensive · Air is abundant, economical, transportable, storable and, most importantly, nonpolluting. · The air compression engine reduces the production costs of vehicles by 20% because it is not necessary to assemble a refrigeration system, a fuel tank, spark plugs or silencers. · Air itself does not explode, an aspect of safety · The mechanical design of the motor is concise and long lasting · There is no battery corrosion. · Less manufacturing and maintenance costs. · The tanks which are part of the compressed air motor have will last longer in comparison with batteries, which, ultimately suffer from a reduction in performance.

In case you are not familiar, yes, safely splitting Hydrogen from water to produce a source of fuel is already a viable solution that is available for us all. Additionally, it is not even a new technology, really; its just recently been made more optimum so that anyone can benefit from it. I mentioned that I would describe more about the Water4Gas system. WATER4GAS is offering information for a nominal fee which folks can use at home to build a small device which instills hydrogen into the fuel/air mixture that their automobile runs on. The process makes bite sized particles out of the ones that the system burns as fuel. Therefore the system is able to use much more of the fuel. By doing this you can reasonably expect to increase your MPG by 30-50% or significantly more. Those particles "musta" been pretty darn huge in some engines before. But with W4G they are made consumable so you can increase your MPG. It also helps make emissions substantially cleaner. This package of info has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND people already and happy members number about 99%! So how about you?

About the Author

GARKO, shows you how to save gas and drive more
and how to improve mpg through hydrogen generation which is the best of the inexpensive ways to save gas

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