The Water Powered Car Will Save You Rising Gas Costs by Shirky

There's no doubt about it--the world is changing in an alarming way. The price of gas is going up, greenhouse emissions are causing climatic changes, and global warming is threatening to melt ice caps and upset the eco-balance.In the midst of all this fluctuation, a water powered car is considered a long-awaited answer. It will fight the rising cost of living. It will slow the pace of environmental disasters. This idea has developed an underground popularity. It's attained the status of a myth.

Currently, the idea is still evolving. It is still in an experimental stage. It is not yet a full blown reality. Trucks and vehicles that are completely powered by water do not yet exist. The cost of manufacturing them is prohibitive. Also, many of the technical details have yet to be sorted out.

But, while a 100% water powered car, does not yet exist, engineers are halfway there to making it happen. To date, they've developed a highly cost effective hybrid water powered car.

Tests show that the new energy system can make a big difference in reducing gas use and in cleaning up the environment. The method has passed the theoretical stage and is now being used in cars. A Toyota was tested and it showed an oil saving of 59%; a Cadillac saved 70%; a 350 V8 Van saved 50%; and a Ford truck saved 56%.

All this was possible with only minor engine adjustments. In fact, they were so simple that many people were able to do it themselves without hiring a car mechanic.

Besides saving on use of oil and gasoline, tests also showed car emissions were considerably reduced. All this goes a long way in improving our global climate.

Using hybrid technology to clean up emissions means reducing damage to your health and that of your family and community. Your car uses up less gas and it consumes the gas that it does use much more completely.

You can smell the difference that a hybrid car makes. This is because everything works better. As combustion improves, due to the cleansing effect of water on the combustion cycle, engine power also improves. Carbon deposits are not only removed, but carbon deposit buildup, too, is prevented. Since the overall performance of the car improves, there is a drop in engine temperature and less waste heat is dumped into the environment. The engine is quieter. Gearshifts change smoothly. In addition, the working parts of the engine, the pistons, valves, rings, and bearings, experience less stress and consequently a longer life.

Interestingly enough, all it takes is a little bit of water to affect these performance-boosting miracles. A single jar of water can last for months. This is because the water expands to 1,833 gallons of combustible gas.

How does the hybrid car improve the environment?

The results here are actually even more amazing. Harmful exhaust emission is eliminated. Hence, harmful carbon dioxide and high engine heat, the major culprits in global warming, are removed. But things get even better. Instead of pulling oxygen from the atmosphere, the new hybrid engine actually adds oxygen to it.

he hybrid car will save money on gasoline and oil costs. It will make your car engine run much more efficiently. And it will make a major contribution to cutting down on air pollution. If enough people adopt it, it can even result in a huge shift in the economy, reducing the demand for petroleum.

The hybrid car is a reality. The fully water powered car is the next step to improving personal finances and the planet. It will create a more sustainable environment.


Author Resource Box:

Shirky has studied how to save money on gasoline and improve environmental issues by looking into alternative energy sources. If you'd like to get your hands on the affordable technology to improve your own vehicle, you can learn more about it here

About the Author

I am Shirky,and I am an internet marketing-aholic.

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